New Covid-19 case for the isles brings total to 68

Shetland has recorded another positive case of Covid-19 with the official number
now at 68.
The new case is a member of staff working at the Gilbert Bain Hospital.
NHS Shetland says all necessary actions have been taken, including ensuring any close contacts are now self-isolating.
Director of Nursing and Acute Services, Kathleen Carolan said, “We would like to assure the public that there is currently no impact on patient care.
“We also have no reason to believe there has been an increased risk to patients in the
hospital because all controls to minimise transmission have been followed.
“We will keep under review whether this will impact on any planned care episodes over the next 14 days and advise patients accordingly.”
The public health messages have been reiterated: that the volume of new cases for Shetland is
low compared to some areas across the country. However, Shetland remains at risk as the
situation across Scotland is said to be serious.
People are being asked to adhere to good respiratory and hand hygiene, avoid crowded places and follow the current Scottish government guidance.
Anyone with symptoms must request a test by filling in a test request form on the
NHS Shetland website.
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