Three new cases confirmed in Shetland’s official figures for Sunday

Three more cases were confirmed in today’s (Sunday) official bulletin.

Shetland’s total now stands at 192.

It follows an increase of four recorded on Friday, after which NHS Shetland’s chief executive Michael Dickson said it was imperative anyone with even mild cold-like symptoms stayed at home to avoid unintentionally infecting others.

“Stay at home where at all possible, and, if you must move around, make sure you maintain physical distancing and follow all the FACTS guidance,” he said.

Since December 19th, when the latest surge in case began, more than 100 people have now tested positive with the virus. 

While most of the new cases were related to an outbreak in North Mainland, others are emerging with no obvious route of infection.

A temporary testing facility is running at Gilbertson Park games hall in response to the growing numbers. 

The testing centre is open until Thursday. People can book a test by visiting the government website or simply walk in.


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