All leisure centres to remain shut until mid-February

All of Shetland’s leisure centres will remain closed until mid-February at the earliest.

Shetland Recreational Trust (SRT) said they would review the current situation again on the 2nd February.

The decision had been made with “great regret”, chief executive Steven Laidlaw said, in line with the NHS Shetland “stay at home” message.

“Although the number of cases per day is not as high as it has been, there are still cases being reported and in order to protect the safety of staff and the public we must all try and stick to the rules,” he said.

“We will continue to offer online classes and ask the public to send in requests for different types of classes they would like to see.

“The situation will remain under review and the trust hopes to reopen the doors at its centres when it is safe to do so.”


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