Health chief welcomes ‘phenomenal’ vaccination progress after 11,000 receive their first jab

Shetland’s health chief has again praised the community for its efforts in the fight against Covid-19 as the vaccination programme reaches another important milestone.

Michael Dickson, speaking via Facebook yesterday (Sunday), said 11,000 people had received their first dose, equivalent to more than 55 per cent of the adult population. 

Mr Dickson, who is chief executive of NHS Shetland and Orkney, said: “Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

“This is a really big month for us.

“We need to get all of the 10 priority groups vaccinated by the middle of April and I have every confidence we will do that and  more.”

Mr Dickson said the delivery of the vaccination programme had been “phenomenal” particularly for a small island health board.

While NHS Shetland is expected to receive a further 3,500 doses in the near future, Mr Dickson again warned folk that supply was the single issue likely to affect the speed of delivery.

He said it was therefore important to be able to book as many folk for their vaccination when supplies allowed, repeating the message urging folk to answer calls from withheld numbers, as it may be the vaccine team.

He said no one from the team would ask for bank details.

“This is an NHS service and therefore it is free,” he said. 

NHS Shetland is beginning vaccinating of the last three of the 10 priority groups.

However, anyone in the top six priority groups who feels they have been missed out is invited to call l 01595 743319 and leave their your name and date of birth.

People can also call that number if they cannot make their booked appointment but not for anything else.

“If you are in groups seven to 10 you don’t need to call at all, we will call you,” Mr Dickson said. 


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