Applications welcome for Shetland community project funding

Shetland Islands Council is now seeking bids from organisations who wish to deliver activity as part of the UK Community Renewal Fund.

The UK government is providing £220m funding through the fund to help communities prepare for the launch of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in 2022.

Due to leaving the European Union, the Shared Prosperity Fund will replace the EU Structural Fund, although money from the EU funding stream will continue to be spent by local areas until 2023.

Projects must deliver activity that is line with the UK Community Renewal Fund prospectus and align with at least one of the following investment priorities:

  • Investment in skills
  • Investment for local business
  • Investment in communities and place
  • Supporting people into employment

The UK government anticipates supporting a range of projects by theme and size, but applicants are encouraged to maximise impact and deliverability through larger projects of £500,000 and over where possible.

As 90 per cent of funding available through the UK Community Renewal Fund is revenue funding and only available in 2021/22, projects should be predominantly or exclusively revenue based.

Projects that focus predominantly on the construction or major refurbishment of buildings, the purchase of land or the purchase of large pieces of equipment are unlikely to be supported.

To ensure the UK Community Renewal Fund reaches the places most in need, the UK government has identified 100 priority places based on an index of economic resilience across Great Britain. While Shetland has not been identified as one of these priority places, bids of a high quality may still be considered.

Successful UK Community Renewal Fund bids will be for 2021/22 only and activity must end by 31st March next year.

Before submitting a bid, applicants should read the UK Community Renewal Fund prospectus, with details on the fund, the types of projects it intends to support, and the competitive selection process.

Applicants should also note that only bids submitted on a UK Community Renewal Fund application form will be accepted, and must be returned to Shetland Islands Council by 5pm on Friday, 14th May.

For more information visit the SIC website.


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