Controlled explosion blows legs off Ninian Northern oil platform at Dales Voe

A loud explosion could be heard as the legs were blown off the top structure of a giant oil platform as part of its decommissioning.
The Ninian Northern has been left in a crumpled heap of twisted metal after the controlled explosion at Dales Voe earlier today.
The 14,200-tonne installation had been removed from its site, 100 miles north-east of Shetland, last summer and taken into Lerwick by Pioneering Spirt, one of the world’s biggest ships.
The dismantling at Dales Voe has created a number of jobs and is hoped to recycle up to 97 per cent of the materials.
The platform was installed in 1978 and started producing in 1980, reaching a peak of 90,000 barrels a day.
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