Four new Covid cases – all linked to travel

NHS Shetland has recorded four new cases of coronavirus today (Thursday).
All are linked to travel though none of the four have been off island, NHS Shetland said.
Anyone with Covid symptoms is asked to self-isolate and to book a PCR test.
Interim public health director Susan Laidlaw urged the public to continue to follow public health guidance such as face-masks and social distancing.
She said “the end is in sight” for the vaccination programme, with around 80 per cent of the population having both doses.
“We are currently calling people who had their first dose in the first half of May to attend for their second vaccination,” Dr Laidlaw said.
All clinics are at the Independent Living Centre because of maintenance work at the Gilbertson Park.
The capacity at ILC is smaller so it is taking a little longer to get appointments for those that are due, NHS Shetland said.
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