‘Wirdle’ is the word of the week

It is the web-based word game that has taken the world by storm, but now a Shetland version of Wordle has made an appearance.

“Wirdle” follows the same basic rules as the original game, but challenges the player to identify a Shetland dialect word instead.

It is the latest initiative of I Hear Dee, which describes itself as “a gadderie” dedicated to studying, describing and documenting dialect, or “Shaetlan”.

For the uninitiated, Wordle gives players six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of coloured tiles.

The colours of the tiles indicade when letters match or, with even more luck, actually occupy the correct position.

But for those who know the difference between a “spret” and the “dorts”, Wirdle might provide an ideal dialect-based alternative.


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