SSEN submits plans for 22km line network connecting Gremista to Kergord substation

SSEN Transmission has submitted plans to the Scottish government for a network of overhead lines that will connect Shetland to the mainland network.

Two 22km circuits, which will be a combination of overhead and underground cabling, will provide a connection between the proposed Gremista grid supply point and the Kergord substation.

The Kergord-Gremista connection follows extensive local consultation which has helped shape the project’s design.

Submission of the Kergord-Gremista 132kV connection planning application follows last year’s planning submission to Shetland Islands Council for the Gremista grid supply point.

SSEN project manager Grant Smith said the application “marks a major milestone in helping secure Shetland’s future security of supply”.

“Upon completion, these projects will connect Shetland to the mainland energy system for the first time and will enable the supply of clean power to homes and businesses, even at times when local generation on Shetland’s electricity distribution network does not meet demand.

“Our proposals have been carefully developed to minimise the impact on Shetland homes, businesses and the local landscape as we have sought to balance a range of economic, environmental and technical factors.

“We look forward to the outcome of our planning applications and remain committed to working closely with Shetland Islands Council, the local community and wider stakeholders to deliver this critical infrastructure to support Shetland’s future energy needs.”


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