Smooth sailing for women’s and junior teams as NorthLink provide new strips

Shetland’s future football stars have secured new strips as part of a continued sponsorship deal with NorthLink Ferries.

The under-11 to under-18 boys’ teams, and under-13 to under-16 girls sides are among those who will sport the new kits.

NorthLink announced they would be continuing to support both the Shetland Women’s Football Association and Shetland Junior Football Association (SJFA).

The strips were made in partnership with local sports shop, Intersport, and created by Shetland-born designer, Helen Laurenson.

They showcase a sweeping wave design alongside the NorthLink logo and are adorned with the Latin phrase “simul nos ludere”, which means “we play together”, in Shetland royal blue.

Serco NorthLink managing director Stuart Garrett said they were “thrilled” to be supporting the clubs during an exciting time for sport in the isles.

“We’re delighted to be continuing our partnership, and it was great to work with Shetland business, Intersport to design the strips.

“We hope that the players are happy with their new kits, and we look forward to cheering them on in future games.”

SJFA treasurer Jimmy Mercer thanked NorthLink for their ongoing support.

“It’s great to see local businesses champion sports in the Isles, and I know our teams are excited to play in their new strips as they represent Shetland at home and away,” he said.


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