John Leask steps down from council

An elected member for the West Side is stepping down from Shetland Islands Council.

Shetland West councillor John Leask is stepping down due to a “major change” in his work pattern.

In a letter to returning officer Jan Riise, Mr Leask, who is chairman of the harbour board and vice chairman of development, said: “I’m writing to you… to confirm I am resigning from my position as councillor for Shetland West, effective Monday 29th August.

“This is due to a major change in the work pattern in my other job, which will not allow me sufficient time to carry out my duties effectively.

“It has been a pleasure working with you and all the council members and staff of the SIC.

“I chose the date of 29th as I don’t think it would be right to start onto the next cycle of meetings when I know I will be leaving.”


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