Support group to launch for women with much overlooked condition

A support group for a much overlooked condition launches tonight – with hopes to combat the sense of isolation it often brings.

Gemma Graham first announced plans to help women with endometriosis after presenting her experiences of living with the condition to the health board in April.

The 32-year-old senior healthcare support worker told how she felt she was “going crazy” after no one could explain the agonising pelvic pain which left her unable to walk.

After finally being diagnosed with endometriosis and undergoing a life-changing operation, Miss Graham said she felt like herself again.

She told the board she wanted to set up a support group to raise awareness of the much under-diagnosed condition so that people knew where to turn for help.

With the first session now scheduled for The Mission – a creativity and wellness centre in Lerwick’s Harbour Street – at 7pm tonight, Miss Graham said she wanted to spread the word to reach as many people as possible.

The first session is set to be a welcoming ice-breaker where people will be able to share their story if they wish. From then on, Miss Graham plans to schedule different topics of discussion each month with input from the attendees.

She said The Mission was a “lovely space with so much to offer” and ideal for supporting health and wellbeing.

“It really is a space where people can come and feel part of something, not alone and isolated like this condition makes you feel,” she said.

“Sometimes you really are just at your wit’s end with the exhaustion and pain and to be able to come and express this to a group of people who know exactly what you mean, I believe is the key to supporting your mental health and wellbeing with this condition.”

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue similar to that found in the uterus grows in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It affects millions of women of any age, but often goes undiagnosed.

Miss Graham was also able to highlight the group’s plans during health secretary Humza Yousaf’s  visits this week. 

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