Walls play area upgraded to include ability equipment

Happyhansel play area in Walls has become the first in Shetland to see an upgrade under the council’s five-year improvements programme.

Three items of play equipment have been installed – a “birds nest” swing, an ability roundabout and an ability swing, the latter two of which can be used by anyone in a wheelchair,

The SIC has been allocated over £360,000 of funding from the Scottish government as part of a five-year package to improve play areas.

Earlier this year councillors agreed to a programme of improvements in local play areas, focussed on promoting inclusion and with designs developed with input from Ability Shetland.

The new items of play equipment plus installation at Happyhansel play area has cost around £59,000, the SIC said.

Education and families committee chairman Davie Sandison said he was “really pleased” to see the first upgrade taking place.

“It’s great to have worked with Ability Shetland on this to help make our play spaces more accessible to more children.

“Our staff inspect and maintain a network of play areas in communities across Shetland and these improvement works will continue in the coming years.”


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