Major plans for Scalloway revealed

New plans to showcase a significant redevelopment of the heart of Scalloway are being highlighted.

The proposals are being outlined in a major new feasibility study – Destination Scalloway.

A fuller explanation of the work will be outlined by consultants Ironside Farrar at the annual general meeting of the Scalloway Community Development Company on 6th December.

Destination Scalloway has sought to create a “place-based” vision for the village.

The project has built upon an engagement process and has advanced a number of key “community priorities”.

The priority project areas outlined are:

• The waterfront – an ambitious plan to extend out into the bay to provide a continuous waterfront walkway and protective seawall. Proposals are being made to repair the old pier, extend the Burn Beach car park, and build new commercial, cultural and business units.

• Improvements could also be made to Fraser Park, thanks to spatial restructuring and drainage improvements to help improve the football pitch. It also aims to provide a wider range of sports and play equipment.

• It is also hoped to improve the pedestrian experience on Main Street, and include a reprioritisation at the junction with Chapel Lane.

• The feasibility study also highlights public hall renovations and – in the long-term – the continuation of a seawall walkway from Burn Beach to Muckle Yard. The hope is this would connect with the running of heritage trails from the castle and museum.


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