Gilbertson Park vaccination clinic to close

The Gilbertson Park vaccination clinic will close next week, and be dismantled.
The games hall will then be returned to its normal use.
Over 67,000 Covid vaccines have been administered since the first vaccine was given in Shetland two years ago – on 11th December, 2020.
NHS Shetland board chairman Gary Robinson thanked everyone involved with the vaccination programme over the last two years.
“It really has been an outstanding example of excellent partnership working, and has been a significant contributing factor to the success of the vaccination programme in Shetland,” he said.
The last walk-in appointments for Covid boosters and seasonal flu vaccines will take place this week, weather permitting.
Today’s (Tuesday) clinic has been cancelled, but NHS Shetland hopes Thursday’s will go ahead as planned.
Anyone requiring an appointment after this week should email the vaccination team at [email protected] or phone 01595 743319 and leave a message.
These clinics will not be at Gilbertson Games Hall but in NHS venues.
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