Easter Quarff image to top Shetland Times 2023 calendar

Neil Henderson has won the 2023 Shetland Times calendar competition with his striking shot of waves breaking off Easter Quarff.

The photograph will atop the calendar for the next year, and will adorn walls across the isles and further afield.

Henderson said he was “delighted” to be selected as this year’s winner.

“I have made the shortlist now for a number of years with several images, but very happy that 2023 will now see one of my photographs used.

“The calendar has been a mainstay with the paper for as long as I can remember and definitely a proud moment to win the public vote to adorn the calendar which will be seen widely, given The Shetland Times is read all around the world.”

He said his winning entry was taken last month at Easter Quarff following a sustained period of gales.

“What I was particularly happy with in this image is that I captured a few different sea states at one time,” he added.

The calendar will be free in next week’s edition of the newspaper, which goes on sale on Friday, 30th December.


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