Further airport strikes confirmed

Trade union Prospect has confirmed fire and safety crews at Sumburgh Airport will strike on 8th and 9th March — meaning five days of strikes in 16 days.

Prospect members rejected a five per cent pay offer in October 2022 and since then no progress has been made by the employer or Scottish Government to resolve the dispute.

Prospect has also notified the employer that Firefighters will be commencing action short of a strike after the strike actions ends on 17th March.

This will include an overtime ban, a refusal to cover non -ambulance extensions and special openings, working to rosters and withdrawal of good will. Action short of a strike is likely to have a significant impact on normal operations across airports.

Jane Rose, Prospect Negotiation Officer, said: “Our members in Fire and Security ensure airports across the highlands and islands operate safely and securely for the communities and businesses that they serve. They do not deserve the substantial real terms pay cut that is currently on offer.”

Hial’s managing director Inglis Lyon said they were disappointed the union members have rejected the new offer but remained committed to resolving the dispute.

Mr Lyon said: “We are disappointed that our proposal fell short of the unions’ expectations and apologise for the disruption this industrial action will cause for our customers and airlines.

“We remain committed to resolving this matter and have asked to meet with the union representatives next week to better understand areas of potential compromise.”


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