Shetland walking route ‘could generate £41m’

A proposed new long-distance walking route which would run the length of Shetland could generate millions for the local economy, a feasibility study has concluded.

Known as Shetland Way, the route would cover over 100 miles from Hermaness in Unst down to the South Mainland at Sumburgh Head.

The study has been spearheaded by VisitScotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Shetland Islands Council, NatureScot and Shetland Tourism Association.

Its findings concluded that, over a ten-year period, the Shetland Way could generate £41 million for the local economy.

The report also suggested the route could be used by up to 600,000 visitors in the same period, and create 52 new jobs within the tourism sector.


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  • Gordy Murdoch

    • April 21st, 2023 12:26

    Yes I be interested in that could you send me more information. Thanking you Gordy Murdoch.


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