Transport returns to the cabinet under Màiri McAllan’s remit

Transport has been restored as a cabinet position – and awarded to the secretary who oversaw the controversial consultation on highly protected marine areas.

First Minister Humza Yousaf has changed Màiri McAllan’s cabinet secretary remit to “transport, net zero and just transition”.

Under her previous role, which also included responsibility for the “green economy”, Ms McAllan oversaw the consultation on Highly Protected Marine Areas.

The proposals, which would see at least 10 per cent of Scottish seas become out of bounds for fishing vessels by 2026, have proved hugely unpopular in Shetland.

Now, Ms McAllan will have to engage with the fishing and seafood sector – among others – on the crucial issue of transport.

As part of the change, responsibility for the green economy will pass to Richard Lochhead, freeing Ms McAllan to focus more on transport.

Former cabinet secretary Fiona Hyslop will also re-join the government as the new minister for transport.

Her appointment follows the recent resignation of Kevin Stewart, who had held the role for just a few weeks. 

Mr Yousaf said: “I am pleased to announce that I am strengthening the ministerial team on transport.

“I have taken two steps: first, by changing Màiri McAllan’s remit, I am freeing her to take a direct day-to-day role in transport, effectively bringing transport explicitly back into cabinet.

“Second, I am bringing one of the most experienced politicians in the Scottish Parliament – Fiona Hyslop – into the role of minister for transport.

Her return to government means she can bring her decades of experience across government to bear on the challenges that exist, not least around ferry services.

“Finally, I am using this opportunity to also bring some extra support to the rural portfolio by expanding Gillian Martin’s role, and ensuring that Richard Lochhead’s title reflects his responsibilities supporting business across Scotland.

“This will ensure that the significant policy plans of this government can be pursued with vigour.”


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  • Ali Inkster

    • June 14th, 2023 1:46

    If any more proof were needed the snp deliver.
    Better aff clear o da lot a dem.

    • Bob Marsh

      • June 30th, 2023 11:29

      Yep, just like they delivered for Ferguson’s ferries, way late and way over budget. Perhaps she could also turn Marine Scotland’s attention to implementing environment controls on cruise liners now polluting our shores and SSI’s by air and water, as other countries are already doing.


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