SaxaVord appoints new satellite ground station manager

SaxaVord Spaceport has appointed a new satellite ground station manager to expand its network around the world.

Robert Philipp, who has joined from specialist Italian company Leaf Space, will be responsible for operating and expanding the UK’s leading spaceport’s two existing ground stations in Unst.

Mr Philipp will also oversee the installation of complementary antennae in Finland, Alaska, Greenland and potentially the Falkland Islands, bringing valuable expertise to hosting services.

He will be based in SaxaVord’s Munich office, which is led by head of business development Robin Huber.

“We are delighted to welcome Robert on board, and look forward to him expanding out globally our satellite ground station network, which has been revenue-generating for almost two years now.

“His arrival marks the first stage in the expansion of our Munich office which has been important for business development,” Mr Huber said.


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