New Zealand volunteer presents RNLI Lerwick with friendship pennant 

A New Zealand volunteer with Shetland connections has presented a pennant which recognises the connection between the isles and his homeland.

Len Webb lives in Whangarei, around 90 miles north of Auckland on the north island of New Zealand.

He has been in Shetland for the last three months visiting his son Craig, who is a crew member on Lerwick Lifeboat.

Mr Webb himself is a volunteer with Coastguard Whangarei, a volunteer-led maritime search and rescue unit and part of the Royal New Zealand Coastguard.

Shetland and New Zealand have well-known historical connections, many Shetlanders emigrated in the 19th century to settle in the country, making use of their maritime and sheep farming skills.

Several Shetland societies continue to exist in New Zealand to maintain modern-day cultural links for descendants and relatives.

Stephen Manson, coxswain of Lerwick Lifeboat said: “We’re grateful to Len for his gift of friendship and it’s been a pleasure to meet him while he’s been in Shetland visiting  his son Craig, who’s also one of our volunteer crew.

“We may be many thousands of miles apart but our two national charities have the same purpose – to save lives at sea.”


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