Energy firm looks to create thousands of hectares of new woodland

The energy firm behind the Shetland interconnector is looking to establish thousands of hectares of woodland throughout Scotland to enhance biodiversity.

SSEN Transmission said it was “inevitable” that it would have fell some trees during its £10 billion upgrade to the network.

The company recently faced a backlash when it emerged its team had destroyed a small area of woodland in Otterswick in Yell.

It was described as “heartbreaking”.

However SSE said “significant effort” was made to keep the need for tree felling to a minimum.

And it said it was committed to achieving a net gain in biodiversity in all of its projects.

The company is now calling on businesses to to get involved in its plans.

SSEN Transmission’s forester said: “Not only do we replace trees that are felled, but we also work to develop new woodland that provides specifically for biodiversity gain.

“At SSEN Transmission we are committed to ensuring that we deliver at least 10 per cent more biodiversity on our projects, whether they cross woodland, peatland, farmland or any other natural habitat.

“We want to leave our project sites better than we found them.

“Where it’s possible, we work with communities and other local groups to develop woodlands and we’re always keen to hear from anyone who has land that they’d like to develop a woodland on.” 

With potentially several thousand hectares of new woodland needing to be developed as part of its “Pathway to 2030” programme, SSEN Transmission is looking to a wider landownership base for potential woodland development areas.

It says the programme of woodland creation is a multimillion-pound opportunity and the company is looking to engage with businesses that are able to deliver the project collaboratively, through its recently launched framework tender opportunity. 

Priorities include replacing lost woodland as close as possible and project that offer community benefit as well as expanding on key habitats. 

Businesses interested in taking part should contact Susan Beveridge at to find out more.


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  • Yi MacLennan

    • October 9th, 2023 23:46

    So you’re off to Tesco to buy some new trees along with the weekly shop – nay probs.
    All sorted folks.


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