Lerwick Lanes contract awarded to 7N Architects

An Edinburgh-based architectural company have been awarded the contract for the Lerwick Lanes masterplan.

After significant interest in the job, 7N Architects was awarded the contract.

The company already has a history of working in Shetland, with previous experience on the Knab redevelopment masterplan in 2017.

Director of development Neil Grant said it was a major step forward for the project.

“They have already demonstrated that they understand the local environment, and have a professional and highly qualified team,” Mr Grant said. 

“I look forward to the detail of their work that will help us to build up a picture of what the Lerwick Lanes area could look like in the future.”

A series of public consultation exercises will take place in the coming months and anyone with views is encouraged share them. 

Details will be announced soon, with a desire to complete work by the end March 2024 and then to report to council soon after.   


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