‘Waste of money’ – community councillor slams Tesco roundabout works

A community councillor has slammed works to transform an area at the Tesco roundabout into a cycling and walking path.

Amanda Hawick called the move – which is entirely funded by the Scottish government – as an “atrociously bad waste of money”.

She also asked if there was going to be “a level crossing barrier” built to protect walkers from passing cyclists.

Ms Hawick told Monday evening’s Lerwick Community Council meeting that she had fielded calls all weekend about the construction work.

Lerwick South councillor John Fraser repeatedly told members that the SIC had not spent anything on the work, with all of the money coming from a Scottish government active travel fund.

The path will provide a more direct route between the Clickimin loch and the Sletts, according to SIC roads manager Neil Hutcheson.

He said a new bus layby would also be built there next year, to provide a safe stopping place for passengers heading to Tesco.

Mr Fraser said, after a consultation, that bus companies had been in favour of the move.

But community councillor Averil Simpson said she could not remember the LCC being consulted on the changes.

And she said the SIC were “tearing up this nice green piece of ground” to make the path.

The construction work started on Monday 20th November and is expected to last four weeks.


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