Protest over UHI cuts

Students from UHI Shetland will stage a protest this week against proposed cuts to staff and courses.

The protest will take place on Wednesday outside the entrance to Lerwick campus.

The Highlands and Islands Students’ Association took the decision to delay any action or statement until after the graduation ceremony held for students on Friday.

In a statement, the association said it was “saddened by the proposed cuts to essential tertiary education services in Shetland”.

“For many, the proposed cuts in services around access courses and the arts will have a profound effect on the career development of many residents, making it harder for Shetlanders to stay and work in the islands.

“We call on the Scottish Funding Council and the Scottish government to improve funding for tertiary education in island communities to ensure they remain sustainable and thrive in the years to come. 

“Students have also called on Shetland Islands Council to provide a temporary financial solution which will allow time for a thorough community impact report to be produced before any decision by UHI Shetland board of management.”



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