Media teams on press awards shortlists

The Shetland Times has been nominated as newspaper of the year at the Highlands and Islands Media Awards.

Reporter Chloe Irvine has also been shortlisted for young reporter of the year.

It follows a busy year, with major events such as the Tall Ships Races and the NatWest Island Games dominating the summer period.

Recognition has also been given to Shetland News which has been nominated for website of the year. Journalist Chris Cope has been shortlisted for environment and sustainability reporter.

Head judge Nicola McAlley said: “As with previous years, the standard was exceptionally high, and it meant we had some difficult decisions to make with much debate and deliberation over finalists and winners in each category.”

The award winners will be revealed at the press ball being held at the Kingsmills Hotel, Inverness, on Friday, 2nd February.


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