SSE working to restore power to thousands of people

Over 2,000 people are without power in Shetland as engineers battle to restore electricity.

SSEN said 2,319 customers had lost power this morning after Storm Garrit buffeted the isles overnight.

The North Mainland and North Isles are among the worst affected.

SSEN operations director Andy Smith said their teams were making “really good progress” in restoring power.

“I know it’s caused problems for our customers, and I’m grateful to them for their patience.  I’d like to reassure customers we’ve got every resource at our disposal out there, fixing faults on the network.

“Adverse conditions on the roads hampered our efforts last night, but thankfully conditions have improved this morning and we’re making progress with the work that needs to be done.

“But it will take time to complete all repairs. Some customers in rural areas where there are multiple points of damage, will be without power until Friday. 

“Anyone who may need additional help or advice should contact our dedicated teams on the power cut helpline, 105.”

A further update is expected this afternoon.


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