Memorial centenary service held in Town Hall

A wreath was laid at the war memorial outside of the Lerwick Town Hall this morning (Saturday) to mark the 100th anniversary of the unveiling of the monument.

Lord Lieutenant Bobby Hunter, council convener Andrea Manson and historian Jon Sandison spoke at the event inside the building before marking the occasion outside on the embankment.

To the crowd that gathered inside the Town Hall, the lord lieutenant said that at the time, Shetland wanted to remember the “folk who were lost” at the first world war.

“Remembrance is important — remembering the dead but also the cost and the folly of war,” Mr Hunter said.

Before heading outside for the wreath laying, the Fishermen’s Mission super intendent Aubrey Jamieson led the rededication of the memorial.

The Lerwick Brass Band then played the national anthem before a two minute silence was held.

Outside, a lone piper played as Mr Hunter and Ms Manson laid a wreath at the memorial.


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