Kirkwall stopover on Aberdeen flights extended again

Flights between Aberdeen and Sumburgh will continue to stop in Kirkwall en-route until at least the end of March.

It is the second time that Loganair has announced the cyclical schedule will continue.

Loganair initially said the change would end on 3rd March, before extending that to 15th March.

The airline blamed “continued delays” with the delivery of its new ART-72 aircraft, and said global supply chain issues were also still having an effect.

Morning and evening flights between Aberdeen and Kirkwall, and Aberdeen and Sumburgh, will visit all three airports until at least 30th March.

“Regrettably, we are facing further delays with our new aircraft,” Loganair said.

“We appreciate schedule changes never come as welcomed news and we apologise for the slightly adjusted flight times that the circular route brings. “

It said any pre-booked customers who no longer wanted to travel on the routes could contact their customer service team.

“We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank affected customers for their patience at this time.”


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