‘A ticking time bomb’ – concerns about groups of tourists cycling

Large groups of tourists cycling on Shetland’s roads are “a ticking time bomb”, one councillor has claimed.

There have been numerous concerns raised about cruise ship groups taking off in great numbers.

That has made it difficult for drivers to pass the groups, with some even cycling in thick fog recently.

Neil Pearson asked what could be done about this – including possibly staggering the groups, or asking them not to travel in such numbers.

SIC roads safety officer Elaine Skinley said they would be speaking to cruise companies about this.

Mr Pearson said he had almost had an accident with a cyclist who he “could not believe” was on the road in thick fog without any hi-visibility clothes on.

Chief inspector Stuart Clemenson said cruise ships were now bringing their own bikes for tourists to use.

And he added they would be asking Lerwick Port Authority to give some basic guidance to visiting ships – like Orkney Islands Council has done.


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  • Don Phee

    • May 16th, 2024 13:43

    They’re saving the earth so all is well.


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