Alcohol by-law consultation opens

A consultation has opened today on changing the alcohol by-law in Shetland – potentially extending it to the whole of the isles.

Other options on the table will include dismissing the by-law, which prevents people from drinking in public spaces in Lerwick, entirely.

It comes as the SIC looks to review the by-law for the first time in 17 years.

Legal chief Jan Riise said it was “somewhat out of date” after all that time.

And though the by-law applies only to the town, Mr Riise said there was “no reason why that should be its limit”.

Councillor Neil Pearson asked for a review of the by-law in June 2023, calling for measures to be introduced to tackle underage drinking in Lerwick.

Speaking at Wednesday’s community safety and resilience board, Mr Pearson said he was glad to see the consultation finally ready to go out to the public.

“It’s taken a little while to get it off the ground,” he said.

“But I think it covers everything, from no by-law at all to covering the whole of Shetland.

“I’m looking forward to the outcome of that.”

The current by-law prohibits street drinking in the town other than around Hogmanay and Up-Helly-A’.

The boundary lines of the by-law excludes areas around the Lerwick port and harbour.

The consultation will remain open until Friday, 2nd July.


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