Ferry commuters urged to have “back-up plan” during timetable changes

SIC environment and transport chairwoman Moraig Lyall has urged North Isles commuters to consider how “essential” their travel is and have a “back-up” plan ahead of timetable changes.

On Friday, the  SIC announced ferry services on the Bluemull Sound between Yell, Unst and Fetlar will operate to alternative timetables due to limited crew availability.

These changes will come into effect on Wednesday and will last until 28th May.

Concerns have been raised over bookings being suspended – as commuters will not be able to guarantee they will get a space on the vessel and could be left stranded.

Mrs Lyall said in response to such concerns: “One thing with giving people as much notice possible is it allows them to look at their week and take decisions on how essential their travel is and to have a back-up plan in place.

“That’s obviously not something we would want, but if you are travelling – have that thought,” she said. 

Changes to the North Isles timetable can be viewed here

Read the full story in this week’s Shetland Times


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  • Gus Fraser .

    • May 20th, 2024 14:51

    If you have to stay on the mainland over night because off not being able to get a booking for an important hospital appointment will the SIC pay the Hotel bill for me . ?

    • Paul fowler

      • May 23rd, 2024 19:15

      Valid point.
      The ferry service is poor at best. SIC need to look at themselves carefully and realise fixed links are the only option to save our islands. Not just for Yell and Unst but Fetlar is dying and needs a Fixed link wether it be a bridge or tunnel it doesn’t matter but a fixed link is a must.


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