Isles politicians call on NorthLink to add another sailing 

Shetland’s politicians have urged NorthLink Ferries to schedule an additional sailing to increase passenger capacity at the start of the summer break.

The isles representatives urged NorthLink to allow a single additional sailing from Lerwick to Aberdeen on Friday, 28th June, doubling the capacity for passengers travelling from Shetland for the summer holidays.

MP Alistair Carmichael and MSP Beatrice Wishart cited widely-shared images on social media in summer 2022, in which many travellers were seen lying across the floors of the NorthLink vessel due to overcrowding.

“Advocating for a single additional sailing to Aberdeen at the absolute peak of need is hardly extravagant,” Mr Carmichael said.

“If Serco NorthLink are seeking to improve their reputation in the isles then this seems like a no-brainer all round,” Mr Carmichael said.

Ms Wishart stressed increasing capacity at this “critical time” will ensure the “best start for the hundreds of people setting off on their annual break”.

Read the full story in this week’s Shetland Times.


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