Ability Shetland receives funding boost

Ability Shetland has been awarded a major grant to continue providing opportunities for vulnerable groups in the isles. 

The charity will receive £150,000 from the Bank of Scotland Foundation over a three-year period after a successful application process.

Ability Shetland team leader Stephanie Bain said having the unrestricted grant would enable the charity to meet needs for disabled people and their families in a “creative, flexible and person-centred” manner.

“We receive grants from other funders for specific pieces of work, which is great, but it means that we are restricted in what we are able to do with that money,” Ms Bain said.

“The fact that this is longer term funding gives us some security for the next three years, and also the opportunity to apply for match funding from other funders for more targeted work.”

She said she was “chuffed” to have the funding in place which would make “such a difference” to people in the community.

Read more in Friday’s Shetland Times.


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