Over 1,300 properties affected by power outage

More than 1,300 properties were affected by a power outage in the North Isles last night – with more than 120 homes still without power this morning (Wednesday).

SSE confirmed yesterday evening there was an unplanned power outage throughout Unst, Fetlar and Yell with 804 homes affected.

The energy giant had hoped to have the power restored by 8.30pm, but there are still 126 homes in the north of Yell without power.

According to SSEN’s power tracker – engineers aim to have what they described as a “fault” on their main network restored by 3.30pm. 

North Isles councillor Ryan Thomson took to Facebook last night to express his frustration over the outage and accused SSEN of failing to respond to his concerns over continuous power outages in the North Isles. 

” I contacted SSEN regarding the increased frequency of power cuts in the North Isles and Shetland. To date, I have not received a response, but I will be sending another email this evening to chase,” he wrote.

“It’s shameful and should be embarrassing for SSEN to wilfully ignore elected representatives correspondence.

“These power cuts have affected the ferry service due to faults with the generators at the terminals. It is absolutely unacceptable that this is occurring for the second time in such a short period.”

Mr Thomson added that he is “absolutely scunnered” at how much effort is required to maintain services “as they currently are”.


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  • Ali Inkster

    • May 29th, 2024 11:08

    The goods folks of Yell wanted an unreliable source of mains electricity. So shouting that their electricity supply is unreliable is rather apt wouldn’t you say.
    Enjoy the lights while you can it’s only going to get worse.


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