Former farm shop for sale seeking offers over £425,000

A former farm shop and cafe has gone up for sale almost a year after its closure

The MacKenzie’s Farm Shop & Cafe building near Cunningsbugh is available for offers over £425,000.

Its online advert describes the retail premises as an “exciting development opportunity” with a “great location by the roadside” of the A970.

The business opened in 2017 after securing over £100,000 from the EU Leader grant scheme and SIC to support farm diversification.

It was highly commended in the Highlands and Islands food and drink awards and established a reputation for its strong focus on local produce.

But after last year’s departure of The Kitchen Table, which had been operating from the premises since 2021, the business owners said it was no longer sustainable.

It closed in July last year. 

The building joins a growing list of businesses for sale throughout the isles, including the Maryfield Hotel in Bressay, the KB in Scalloway and the St Magnus Bay Hotel in Hillswick. 


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