Tesco cancels home deliveries due to stock shortage as freight boat remains in dry dock

Tesco has cancelled home deliveries due to stock shortages amid the ongoing freight issues.

The supermarket told customers that its click and collect service would also be unavailable today (Sunday) and tomorrow.

It comes after more than a fortnight of freight issues caused by the Helliar requiring work in dry dock due to an issue with a propeller.

NorthLink had hoped she would be back in service by now – but she is still at the dry dock in Tyneside.

Tesco said it had only received one trailer of stock since Friday – whereas it usually receives three every day.

Shelves are bare throughout the store with no tomatoes, onions, peppers, potatoes or citrus fruits.

Other items such as pasta, cereal and pet food are also reported to be severely low on stock.

The Hildasay is next due in Lerwick tomorrow. 

She is expected to have five trailers for Tesco to replenish its stock.


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