Lerwick Distillery granted alcohol licences

A new distillery in Lerwick’s Market Street has been given the green light to sell alcohol.

Lerwick Distillery was granted both on and off-sale licences at a Monday morning meeting of the SIC’s licensing board.

They will be able to sell alcohol for consumption at the distillery between 11am and 7pm every day, once open.

And from 10am every day they will be able to sell drink to customers from their shop.

Director Calum Miller told the meeting the shop would be open before their tasting room was, as part of a “phased opening”.

It is expected to open later this year.

Councillor Catherine Hughson said it was “really good to see a new business developing on this side of the town”.

And depute convener Bryan Peterson said tourists often asked him if there was a distillery in Lerwick.

“I think it’s brilliant, an excellent development,” he added.

“I wish them well with it.”


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