West Side schools remain closed due to weather

Due to wintry weather, some West Side schools will remain closed today, and school transport to other Shetland schools is affected. 

Overnight snowfall has meant that road conditions are difficult in some locations, particularly on the West Mainland.   

Shetland Islands Council says the following schools are closed today:

• Aith Junior High School

• Happyhansel Primary School

• Whiteness Primary School

• Tingwall Primary School

There will be no school transport through lower Gulberwick for pupils at the Anderson High School and Sound Primary School.   

West Mainland school buses operated by K&K Transport are not running today.

There is school bus transport disruption in other areas.  The latest school bus information is available on the school transport voicebank at 01595 745743, and parents are asked to check this for the latest updates. 

Parents and carers should make decisions about whether it is safe to travel, based on road conditions and the distance to school. 

The Met Office has a Yellow Warning of Snow and Ice for the North of Scotland, including Shetland, which is valid until 1000 hours tomorrow. 

Further wintry showers are expected across Shetland throughout the day. 


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