Shetland MSP ‘disappointed’ over reinstatement of airport parking charges 

Shetland MSP Beatrice Wishart has condemned the decision to reinstate car parking charges at Sumburgh Airport.

HIAL confirmed in a statement it plans to reintroduce the car parking charges – with the date still to be determined.

“We have been experiencing technical issues with the car parking system at Sumburgh which has been affected by harsh weather.

“This has resulted in the parking charge being temporarily waived. We are currently working on a solution that will address the issues and once resolved we intend to reinstate the parking charge. We will provide advance notice prior to charges being reintroduced.”

These charges were first introduced in 2018, with motorists paying £3 per day to use the car park.

Ms Wishart said it was “very disappointing” these charges are set to make a comeback.

“When this tax on island living was first introduced it was done so without any consultation with anyone in the community and with no assessment of the impact on those travelling,” she said.

“Parking charges at Sumburgh are nothing but an additional tax imposed on people who already face increased costs for simply living on an island.

“It is not just holiday makers that are affected. People travel from Sumburgh every day for ordinary things like work, health appointments or family events. Businesses also have to swallow these costs too when asking staff to travel for work.”


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