Government announces inter-island transport funding boost

A £20 million transport funding boost has been announced for ferries, flights or tunnels.

Extra funding for inter-island connections will be allocated to Shetland and Orkney, the Scottish finance secretary Shona Robison revealed today (Wednesday), opening the door to ambitions for fixed links.

Ms Robison said it could be used for “flights, ferries or tunnels between islands”.

The SIC’s political leader Emma Macdonald welcomed the announcement – but said it was too soon to say what the extra funding would be used for.

Mrs Macdonald said she had been engaging with Ms Robison and First Minister John Swinney about the need for more resilience in the council’s current ferry operations.

“We know we have some significant challenges that would be improved with an additional vessel,” she added.

Mrs Macdonald said it was still unclear what level of revenue funding the SIC would receive towards the £23m annual costs of running the ferry service.

“We need to see the detail to know what that looks like within our settlement,” she added.

“Decisions around this additional allocation of capital will obviously be made by members and it would not be appropriate for me to suggest how that would be spent but I am sure it will be welcomed by all members.

“A mention for Shetland in the budget is always a good thing and I am really pleased that it has been recognised by the Scottish government the need to invest in our islands.”

ZetTrans chairwoman Moraig Lyall echoed the leader’s comments.

She said the funding was “clearly welcome” but “just a start on what is needed”.

Mrs Lyall said discussions would take place to determine where the funding is focussed.


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